Saturday, March 31, 2012

My continuation of the Trayvon Martin case

I am watching Pierce Morgan tonight and he has Mike Tyson on the show. He's asking him his opinion on the Trayvon case....Really - Mike Tyson - this is the guy that has a tatoo across his much can he contribute to the cause??? Pierce asks him if thinks Zimmmerman should have been arrested that night and he says "Well, I don't know" ...with that lisp that he has. I was watching this and I was floored because I think he should have been arrested and then the investigation should have begun. Isn't that how it usually happens? You're arrested and then questions are asked. Mike Tyson sounded really uneducated on the facts that we know so far. I understand that we still do not know the entire facts but my problem with this whole situation is that there was not an immediate arrest. We all agree that someone is dead...possibly murdered but yet we are still wondering what really happened. Mike kept saying "I don't know" as Pierce kept asking questions about this case. I know that justice has not been served. I know that we still do not know all the facts. I know that a child is dead and a man is free. I also know that this man appears to be without scars or bruises but says that it was self-defense. I also know that at the end of the day...he was TOLD by a 911 operator to stop pursuit and let police handle it??? You tell me...What do you know??? Come on Mike - REALLY???

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