Saturday, February 14, 2015


Do you know that fear is strong and powerful? Do you understand how fear can hold you hostage and disable you? Did you know that most people will never fulfill their TRUE purpose in life because of this thing called FEAR?

Well today I have chosen to not only be the most transparent BUT I have also chosen let go of fear!



When I was about 9 months old, I fell down a flight of stairs at the babysitters house and I broke my wrist. At the time no one noticed anything wrong with me other than I had a broken wrist. So the doctors put me in a cast and sent me home.

My mother says that when I was around 1 years old she begin to notice that whenever I would get sleepy that my left eye would drift off and there would be a slight difference between my right eye and my left eye. She says that the doctors told her that it may have been caused from my accident and that because I was still fragile at the time of the fall, the muscle in the eye may have been loosened. I had my first surgery at 2 years old to try and correct it. They pulled the muscle over so that both eyes would be in alignment. Well I think that surgery only lasted for a couple of years because as my body changed, so did the muscles in my eyes. So I have spent the majority of my life having surgery after surgery to correct my eyes. BUT with changing eyesight and growing older...well you've guessed it. The last surgery I had was in 2001 and at that time I was told that there is very little muscle left in the left eye and it would only get weaker as I get older.

Interesting though, is that every time immediately following a surgery, I would have this boost of confidence. I would feel good about myself. I would feel beautiful. BUT as the years would roll by and the muscle would once again start to would my confidence,

Due to this insecurity with myself, I have avoided direct eye contact. I have rejected speaking in front of people. I have rejected doing videos of my work. ASHAMED!!!

I have been living a disabled life!!! I have a purpose in this world. I now understand why I was born and what I was meant to do. I have been on a journey of discovery and transition. I have learned so much about myself and I have even learned to love myself...BUT...I am still crippled with this fear. 

I woke up this morning and I heard GOD say to me...NO MORE!!! I have a purpose for you and you will not be able to fully do what I need you to do if you are still holding on this fear.

I AM letting the FEAR go today. You see not many people know that I have been hiding behind this fear because I exude a level of confidence. That confidence is real but it only goes as far as I allow it. I love myself but not because of how I look on the's because of ALL of the work I did to fix the inside of me!!!

I started this journey several years ago because my life was in shambles and I knew I needed to change. Prayer and surrounding myself around positive and like-minded people has been beneficial to my success.

It is my prayer, my hope, and my desire...that I am able to help others in similar situations. YOU CAN LIVE A HAPPY LIFE! YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!

So here it is - MY VERY FIRST VIDEO. #ImFree

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Loving Yourself Chronicles - Step 3

So on Facebook I gave you Steps 1 and 2 to Loving Yourself (Chronicles).

Step 1 - Telling yourself daily affirmations. Such as, God does not make mistakes, therefore I am BEAUTIFUL! 

Step 2 - Setting standards for your life and those that will occupy your space. Why? Standards show that you know your worth and it MAKES others respect it. In short, allowing any and everything from others - sends a signal that you do not love, respect, or honor yourself - therefore, you don't love you!

NOW, you may be asking who am I to speak to you about loving yourself. Well, let me tell you. I once did not love myself. I pretty much hated everything about myself. My life, my body, and my energy was negative, I didn't have standards set for others to respect because I did not UNDERSTAND my worth.

I KNEW I NEEDED A CHANGE IN MY LIFE!!! And, you know who that change had to begin with - ME! 

NOW, Step 3 - Loving yourself has NOTHING to do with what's on the outside and EVERYTHING to do with what's on the inside.

Let me explain. See, how you feel about yourself is reflected through your actions, behavior, and attitude.

You project how you feel about yourself by the way you treat others, the things you say about others, the way you value your relationships, and your overall attitude and behavior.

There is a PROCESS to learning to Love Yourself. It takes reflection. You must take the time to really look at yourself and your behavior. Then, you must take the time to look at the people in your life and their behavior. Our influences affect how we feel about ourselves as well. YOU MUST BE HONEST!!! This is something just between you and your God. So be honest in your reflection. 

ONCE, you have taken the time to reflect, now it's time to ask WHY?  Why do I not love myself? Why do I treat people the way that I do? Why am I self-destructing my relationships? AND, then you must decide to change!

As I said before, check the people in your life. Negative, messy, gossipy people play a factor in how you feel about yourself. Why? Because YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE!

So begin to evaluate those in your life and decide whether they are significant in your journey to loving yourself and if not, LET THEM GO!

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer changes things, If you are serious about evolving and discovering the real you then you must stay in prayer. And, you need to work at this everyday. Begin by treating others how you would like to be treated. Be respectful, be polite, be giving, be apologetic, and be kind. It's amazing how you will begin to feel. It will become a feeling that you crave - meaning you will do it more often until it becomes a part of you. And guess what, you will find yourself - loving yourself!

I did it and I know you can too!!! But you have to want it!!!