Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why are women so desperate for a man?

Desperate for ANY man.  Many women will disagree with me on this because they will say that they are not desperate but yet I see the things they are willing to put up with and the things they will go through - all in the name of love.

Now don't get me wrong, I too have played the fool before but everyone must wake up and choose better the next time.  We must pay attention to those signs that we see when we first meet a man.  Those signs that gives us insight into his character.  The signs are always there - we CHOOSE to ignore them. 

I was listening to Michael Baisden the radio the other day and he was talking about how women give up the keys to their homes within weeks of meeting a man.  We are so quick to give of ourselves because we want that love and security that a relationship should provide.  What are these men offering as you hand over your keys?  A man should add to your home - not take away from it.

Women, we should have better standards for the kind of men we choose.  I am married but I remember when I was single and how I felt when I would get lonely.  I feel like women get tired of being alone and the club scene gets real old after a while and at the end of the day you want somebody to come home to.  It is beautiful but it also takes time.  We can't be in such a rush that we accept the first thing coming.  You have to pay attention and get to know this person.  How does he treat you, how does he treat his family, how does he treat other people?  What are his goals and aspirations, and has he acquired some of these things on his own?  Is he quick to anger?  Is he responsible with his finances?  These questions are important and if you ignore them - you WILL pay the cost.

To listen to the Michael Baisden show click here and then hit the play button

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