Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Do you Procrastinate?

Do you sometimes put off doing things today and say "I'll just do it tomorrow?" I know I have been guilty of procrastination. I think we all suffer from it from time to time but it should never be the norm with any of us. Procrastination leads to nothing being accomplished. Dreams never being fulfilled.

We all must start somewhere - why not start TODAY!!! Whatever it is you need to accomplish...start today with a few steps and tomorrow do a little more. Push yourself each day to do more toward your goals then you did yesterday.

Can you see the vision? Do you believe that you deserve it? Are you willing to put in the work for it? If you fall down...GET YO BUTT BACK UP!!! Never give up...keep pushing. Nothing worth having is ever easy to obtain...we all must work to get it and then keep what we desire.

"Procrastination will DELAY your change!!! Steve Harvey

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Satisfied Customers of Traci Lynn Jewerly

Rebecca Berry and Natae Gaines are sporting their Traci Lynn Jewelry. Natae was the winner of the Blog contest and she is wearing the Cutie necklace and earring set. Rebecca is wearing the Pearlesque necklace set.
Don't they look Fabulous in their jewelry.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Look at the Cutie necklace set that the Winner of the contest chose

Natae has selected the Cutie necklace and earring set. I have ordered it and it's on its way. Isn't it beautiful. It is one of the popular jewelry pieces. Again Congratulations Natae!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And The WINNER Is.....

NATAE STEWART...that's right she won the contest for the Traci Lynn Jewelry piece of her choice. Help me congratulate Natae!!!

Once she picks out her BEAUTIFUL piece of jewelry...I will share a picture of it with you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Girl's Night Out!!!

Send me an email if you would like to join us for this FUN filled event.