Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Teen Sex Trafficking and the primary hub is Atlanta, Georgia

This subject really bothered me and I knew I had to research it and write about it. The other day I was watching Stolen Innocence on BET. There were a panel of speakers and they were discussing the problem with teen sex trafficking and how Atlanta is the primary hub for this crime. They spoke about the numerous strip clubs that exist in Atlanta and how many high paying people, including stars, frequent these strip clubs.

Sexual exploitation of OUR children right in our backyard is bothering to me. The facts about sex trafficking are startling. THE NUMBERS WILL SHOCK YOU! It is gut-wrenching, eye-opening, and heart-breaking.

The sex trade is currently exploiting 1 million children. The yearly profit of this black-market trade in human beings is $32 billion. Sex trafficking is currently the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the 21st century. With all the money the government spends on the War on Drugs...What about our innocent little GIRLS????

The U.S. State Department estimates that 244,000 American children and youth are at risk of sexual exploitation. The average age of children exploited is 14; however, children as young as 10 and 11 have been reported as victims (marietta.patch.com)

As I continue to do more research on this, I am astounded at how close to home this issue hits. They say that most teens caught up in the sex trade come broken homes and are usually runaways but through my research on the metropolitan area of Atlanta, I have found that a great number of these kids come from affluent neighborhoods and decent homes. This crime is not limited to kids from inner city Atlanta but some of them come from Marietta and Cobb County.

Tune in Live tomorrow to my radio show...Wednesday May 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm. www.blogtalkradio.com/evolvinglivesradio For further discussion on this topic.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

1st Live Radio Show

Well...tonight I hosted my first live radio show. This is where callers could call in and talk with me live over the air. Hmmm...it was interesting to say the least. I ran into a few kinks. I could actually see the listeners but I could not answer their calls. AND...I was a little confused about whether they just wanted to listen or actually speak live to me. Then I was getting text messages from people saying that they were having difficulty calling in...AND I thought that was the issue. So...I ended the show only to realize that all I had to do was hit a button to let the caller on the air...How stupid? Huh? Well...I got back on the air and BEGGED my callers to call back ASAP and finally I was able to connect with Kathy. WHEW!!!

Kathy shared an interesting viewpoint on the level of commitment in marriages. I stated that everybody's view on the level commitment is different and what one person expects in their marriage is different than what someone else may expect.

Listen here but DON'T judge...LOL. I am still new at this and learning. I do come back to the show after initially ending the call...SO stayed tuned to hear Kathy's perspective.

Click the link below and scroll until you see tonight's topic...Why are less people committed in their marriages or click over to the right. Let me know what you think. Thanks guys.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Change is Good

Well here it is!!! My Blog's new design and layout. What do you think?

As promised....there's an incentive. Here's a chance to win a free piece of Traci Lynn Jewelry...that's right FREE!!!

JOIN my blog, COMMENT on at least 2 posts, CLICK on my Blog Talk Radio Show (over to the right), CLICK follow and then register. Once you have completed the required rules...you will be entered into a contest to WIN a Traci Lynn Jewelry piece of YOUR choice. That's right...you get to select the piece of jewelry you want.
There's no price limit. Only 1 piece of jewelry will be given away. Sets will count as 1 piece of jewelry.

The deadline is June 1, 2014. The WINNER will be announced by June 3, 2014. All rule requirements have to be met in order to be entered into the contest.

If you have already joined either of my sites previously, you may complete the rest of the requirements and then you will be entered into the contest.

MEN...I would like for you to enter the contest as well...because I know that there is a special lady in your life that would love to receive some Traci Lynn Jewelry.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Why are people less committed to their marriages?

Get ready. This is the topic for my next talk radio show. This Wednesday at 6:00 pm. Listen live and/or join the conversation. Follow the link to get the details www.blogtalkradio.com/evolvinglivesradio

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog Talk Radio

So I am really excited about my new venture and must admit it was FUN!!! I will be doing blog talk radio. I am sharing my 1st show with you guys. It hasn't went public yet because I'm new at this and I needed to test the waters.

So listen and tell me what you think.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/evolvinglivesradio